Visit these areas of our website to get the latest information about your Tohatsu outboard.

In order to download/view the manuals you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. ( Click here to download the FREE Acrobat Reader program.) NOTE: If you have trouble viewing the PDF file in your browser, try right-clicking on the link, then choose the option to 'Save As' and save the PDF file to your computer. NOTE: If you have trouble viewing the PDF file in your browser, try right-clicking on the link, then choose the option to 'Save As' and save the PDF file to your computer. Then navigate to the location you saved the file, and double-click the PDF file to load it directly to your Acrobat Reader program.
Answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding your Tohatsu outboard.
Get the answers to all your TLDI questions.
Lose your owner's manual? Download a replacement copy here.
Tohatsu product brochures are available on-line.
Choosing the right propeller to fit your needs entails a number of factors. Use our chart to help you determine which is the best one for you.
For outboards that require a 50:1 premix of oil/gas, we've put together a chart to simplify the calculations.
The break-in period is the most critical time in the life of your outboard. Our charts show the standard 'break-in' periods for Tohatsu Outboards (2-stroke, 4-stroke and TLDI).

An 8-step process to properly maintain the oil in your lower unit.

3.5 Hp Tohatsu 4 Stroke
Important information for BFT115A, BFT150A, BFT200A, BFT225A, and BFT250A owners.
Important information for BFT200A, BFT225A, and BFT250A owners.
Important information for 2.5/3.5 4-stroke owners.